Friday, October 30, 2015

Houston Crime Stoppers Building will Honor KTRK-TV Anchor Dave Ward - UPDATED

As reported today by the Chronicle, the long time anchor will be memorialized in brick and mortar.

Congratulations to Dave and thanks for your decades of service to the Houston community.

Mike McGuff's coverage.


  1. Spent the lunch hour at Texas Radio Hall of Fame with Brent Clanton. He says I know you. Do I?

  2. Am I that forgettable? We worked together at KODA in the 70s under Tom Hoyt, with Brent, Jason Williams, Milt Willis, uh.... and some other folks.

    You posted here a couple of months ago and I meant to return the favor on your blog but forgot about it. If I didn't keep forgetting it, I'd try to remember not to be so forgetful.

  3. Sorry, I forgot (!) to include my name. Bruce Williamson. That's not my real name but it's the name I was using at KODA (if I remember correctly) and that's the name most people in broadcasting know me by and the name that dozens of listeners to me over the years knew me by, so that's the name I use here.
