Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Larry Kane Show - KTRK-TV

Larry Kane was a dj in Houston in the 1950s who had a popular dance show on Channel 13 on Saturday afternoons, Houston's version of American Bandstand. I haven't done anything on the blog yet on KTRK-TV but I came across this article from Billboard about the show and thought I'd include it here.

The show was discussed in this thread on HAIF with some comments by kids who participated. There was a link to some photos but it looks like that link is defunct. And Larry Kane and other shows were discussed in this thread.

Incidentally, I have been in touch with descendants of both Bob Byron and Tim Nolan for a planned feature on the Tim and Bob show. One of Byron's descendants is seeking information about the teen dance show he hosted on KPRC-TV also in the 50s. If anyone has any memories to share, please contact me through the comments or my email link on the profile page.


Anonymous said...

Those were fantasic days, Spent with fantantic people. Learning ball room dancing along with the current pop dances at the Jerry Row dance studio's have stayed with me during these years giving me an apreciation for the past and present. It is a shame that teens of today can't experiance that simpler time that didn't require drugs,alchohol,etc. Saturday did have special meaning wether watching on TV or being at the Studio In the new Studio in the round,dancing to our musical Icons (sometimes livebands) Or getting a glance of other channel 13 stars.

Paulla Parker said...

From 1965 - 1967 or so, the hours on the Larry Kane Show and the Jerry Row Dance Studio were the happiest times of my high school life. We lived in Pasadena, and my brother, Larry, and I would car pool in to Houston with other kids a couple times a week for lessons, and then the Saturday show. My main partner was Alfred, and Larry danced with Rita Peguero. I remember Don Stewart(Stuart?)and his beautiful sister being our instructors. We went to Garner State Park and Galveston to film, and did Coca Cola commercials too. It was like a huge family, and Larry Kane was so nice. We also did exhibition dances as a group - jazz, cha cha, the Big Apple, waltz. And Alfred and I did specialty Tango, while my brother, Larry, and Rita did the Quick Step. Then the two boys, along with Don, would do a Zorba the Greek dance. Tony Bennett sang to me on my 16th birthday, and we had fun with various performing groups on the show. I would LOVE to have some of those old shows. I called once, but was told they were all taped on low quality film and had disintegrated. Anyone have any other ideas on how to get some film or photographs?
Paulla Parker Weddle
Cardiff by the Sea

Bruce said...

One of my correspondents has reported finding a dvd of some video clips from the show at a local audio/video specialty shop (not one of the chains) but it was only clips of the performers appearing on the show with nothing of Kane himself or any of the dancers.

Thanks for sharing your memories.

Glenn Pitts said...

Hello Paula,
You have a very good memory.
I can send you a picture of you and Alfred Arispi dancing on the Larry Kane Show if you like.

Paulla Parker said...

Thanks, Glenn, for responding to me. I replied on gmail, but not quite sure how this works, so I thought I'd also post a comment. Your picture looks just like back in the 60's when we were on the show together. Would love to hear what you're doing. Also, do you know anything about our instructors, Don Stuart or Marianne (Williamson?). They made everything so fun!I tried to look them up, as well as you, Alfred and Rita on facebook and google, but no luck. Do you remember any other names? I just remember first names of my partners: Rusty, Dickie, Bill. Also, the redhead, Debbie. I loved all the dances. However, when go-go dancing came in, and I danced in the cage, I got in trouble for being too "sexy". Oops! How funny!I remember doing a show with, was it Paul Revere and the Raiders? Who else do you remember as guests?
Paulla Parker Weddle, Cardiff, California

Don Unfried said...

Yes, great experience and great memories in the late 60's and 1970. Getting up every Saturday morning and putting on the coat and tie to go in to the Channel 13 studio to dance on The Larry Kane Show was the ultimate. Remember the weekly dance lessons at the Don Stewart Dance Studio at Gulfgate (one of two or three studios he had around Houston I believe). Also remember each summer when the show would move to Galveston and we would do the show from the Flagship Hotel. Wish there were some archived pictures or videos to view.

Paulla Parker said...

Yes, I remember those shows at the Flagship Hotel. So much fun! I also wish we had videos and pics. I wish I had been able to thank Don and Larry for the incredible experiences we were able to have due to them. I never really appreciated how unique those experiences were until I was so much older.
Paulla Parker Weddle

Bruce said...

I wonder if there's ever been a reunion of the show's participants? There must be quite a few around. And there have to be pictures. I would sure appreciate anyone who has pictures sharing them with this blog. You can just scan them and email them to me - you don't actually have to surrender any precious keepsakes!

Jay Dooling said...

My name is Jay Dooling & I danced on the LK show between 1959 & 1963. After '63, I did dance some, but I was in Austin at UT, so I couldn't be a 'regular'. I had several partners: Jessilyn & Mary Anne were the primary ones. You can see a segment from a 1962 show at: I loved my years at Jerry Roes & the Kane show. Of course, I only spend minimum time at High School (St Thomas). Jay

Unknown said...

Check out my Twitter and You Tube as I do have some film footage posted frpom the Kane Show.

Anne Michaels

Anonymous said...

I worked his Sunday dance parties on Galveston's Pleasure Pier (later, the hurricane Ike-destroyed Flagship Hotel. Hurricane Carla in 1961 took down the Pleasure Pier). I was a high school employee of the Pleasure Pier.

His real name is something like Liberwitz.

Once that "last dance" began, he was headed out the door to the managers' office to be paid in cash (which he demanded). The manager absolutely could not stand him, especially because he wouldn't hang out with the kids for a few minutes after the dance, but headed back to Houston (with his cash). Personally, I thought he was a snob. Ticket sales (I sold tickets) did not change before or after he was there.

Anonymous said...

I danced on the show in the late 60s while taking lessons from Phillip La Point @ the Dance City USA studio on Richmond. I would assist him there and then we would go to the Westbury area to teach. LOVED those years~!~ Wish I had taken more pictures. Have a few pictures somewhere of my friends back then. And one of a guy from the Snoopy and The Red Baron group. Too funny! I remember seeing local people & bands on that show before they were famous & who are no longer famous. Didn't realize how special those years were until I reached adulthood. I quit dancing when I got braces...not exactly camera pretty. Those were great years! Thanks for the memories!

OLD OWL said...


ranmar said...

My Dad had the first dance show in Houston, it predated Larry Kane and was called Teen Hideaway. My Dad was Paul Markey, and his show was on in the early to mid 50's on KGUL, which, by then was KHOU. I still have a promo shot of Dad at the podium in front of an album cover of Perry Como's We Get Letters, so that's 1957. In those days, Kane would sub for my Father, on both the news and sometimes on other shows. I hope there are some people here that remember my Dad, who just passed away a year ago.

Bruce said...

Sorry about the loss of your Dad ranmar and thanks for bringing the show to my attention. I had never come across anything on it. So your Dad was an announcer at KGUL or a local DJ? (by the way, it didn't become KHOU until 1959). Was the show done from Galveston or Houston. If you know more, please contact me so I can do a piece on it. And of course I'd love to have that pic to post if you could scan it and send it to me.

Unknown said...

I say we have a Larry Kane reunion, talk to KTRK and see if they will host it again. It would be huge. I recall someone drowning in the swimming pool at KTRK, after one of the shows, and I think that might have put a damper on things by then.

Bruce said...

That's a good idea. Or at least a big feature story.

Kimberly Beller said...

I'm not sure what years my dad did the show, but he spoke of it all of my life. Tom Beller graduated in 1970 from Sterling so i would imagine it would have been the later 60's. I can't even imagine seeing old footage, but now that we have lost him it would be amazing to have!

Anonymous said...

Bruce and paulla, don stewart and Marianne Larkin,(Curtis )
Don is my uncle and Marianne was my mom.I good led Larry Kane and found their names
They were dancers on his show.
So great to hear u remember them!

Anonymous said...

I was just telling my daughter about the Larry Kane show....i was dancer 67-70....thanks to Don Stuart NW Mall location.....was surprised to see these websites after one else seems to remember....any footage of dancers anywhere? Thank you my partner Doug Lamb...was the best dancer and partner ever...wonder a lot what happened to you...since im old surprised at some of the names of singers who made it big and was just newcomers then....thanks for the ride...loved it...will keep on dancing

Bruce said...

Anon - check the sidebar under the Television section for some clips.

Betty bustin said...

Hey, everyone! I cannot believe I found this web site. I always wanted to see old footage of the larry kane show. I was there about 1967-1969. My partner was ronnie talbert. It was fun. The after parties were the best. If anyone has footage I sure would like to see it betty bustin bolton

Bruce said...

Hi Betty, glad you found the site, too. I've added the Larry Kane tag to the post - had neglected that for some reason. Clicking on that will pull up any other post(s) on the blog that are mainly about the show, including some clips. Searching for Kane in the search window will pull up a few more scattered mentions.

Glenn Pitts said...

Bruce, I want to comment about the video clip of the Larry Kane Show dancers (ca. 1963) that is on Youtube. This is the one with the KUHT leader at the beginning. For the record, I am in that video too and I never danced at the KUHT location... only the current Bissonnet location.
It is unknown to me just how the KUHT leader got on that clip but the location is definitely KTRK-TV Channel 13 on Bissonnet in Houston. Perhaps the tape was taken to KUHT for some reason and the KUHT leader was attached to it there.

Bruce said...

Thanks for the info, Glenn.

allan robin said...

The very first Larry Kane Show was made up of the Top 20 Dancers in Houston. I do not know how we were chosen. It was said at the time that referrals were made from all over the city to Larry Kane and Jerry Roe and that they made the final decision. All 20 of us went to the Jerry Roe Studio to rehearse and learn new dances before the first show. The only other dancer I remember in the Top 20 was Jim Carolla, who later became a disk jockey with KXYZ or KILT Radio. I thought the first show was in 1959, however I am in the You Tube Clip. I was one of three couples they told to dance in front of the camera. I went to San Jacinto & Jones High School then on to U of H some that You Tube clip could be later than 1959. Allan Robin

Bruce said...

Thanks, Allan. I don't know all of Jim Carola's resume but he was a jock on KHUL-FM in the early sixties, auditioned for KILT News and became a long-time newsman and news director for KILT.

Glenn Pitts said...

Bruce, KHUL... I believe that was a jazz station located at the top of a building in the Houston Medical Center? I went there one night in 1962 to visit Jim Carola and I have an old newspaper ad for KHUL as well. Jim was inducted into the Texas Radio Hall of Fame in 2003 and he was also the announcer for the Larry Kane Show beginning in the latter part of 1970.

Bruce said...

I have quite a bit on KHUL on the blog; see the FM chronology on the sidebar. The building was the Park Towers, now demolished. I remember hearing Jim on there. I worked with Jim for many years at KILT; a very good radio man.

greatsally06 said...

My first husband, Lindsey English, was a cameraman and booth announcer at KTRK on Cullen Blvd. while in school at the U0fH. He was in the booth every Saturday for the Larry Kane show. Interestingly Larry lived just around the corner from Lindsey's parents in Willowbend. That would have been 1957, 58, 59.

Anonymous said...

Paulla I believe the years were early 60's (as I graduated HS in 65 and at that point hadn't danced on LK for several years).You probably don't remember me ( I was a friend of Bill Anduiza) and we partnered a few times before you and Bill.I remember you r (and your Brothers white hair) Also I think the sponsor was RC cola not Coca Cola.After the show we would go over to that pharmacy on the corner next to ch13.

Anonymous said...

I was reading through this post for little details on the Larry Kane Show. I produced film for that program after it came over to KPRC for production long about 1969-72 Every Sat morning...I had some special effects clips edited for the performers and cut-aways. But you really hit a nerve when you mentioned Bill Anduiza. I played lead guitar in the band he sang was called The Changing Tymes. Bill was a great friend...where is he???

Gary Hoopengardner said...

I danced in middle to late 60s. I was there when the show went color. I bought a really loud jacket for the first color show. The director had me stand there with a camera on my back when the show started. It showed black and white then went to color. This a real high point in my...I still have that jacket....

Bruce said...

Priceless, Gary.

G Beathard said...

Those were really fun days. I (Gary Beathard) took dance from Don at the Gulfgate location, and got my cousin, Kandi Cavitt involved, who met DeWayne Walling and they later married. I danced with Lori Hapes, and her brother Raymond Hapes was also on the show. I remember Jimmy Alexander, Darrel Ford, Billy Keys and Patty Owens. I have copies of some of the local magazines that would feature the show and where the dancers had their monthly party. Do you remember The Catacombs? The magazine has our pictures dancing there. One year, we were to dress in costume to represent the new Fall line-up of shows. The network was going to feature a special on Africa (remember, this was the 60's). One of the female dancers (I cannot remember her name dressed as an African tribal native, with her hair ratted out in a huge Afro, all sorts of makeup, spear, etc. and had to be taken to the station in her sister's convertible. The looks she got while cruIsing down the freeway! I also remember Barbara Wade, but I don't remember her sister's name. Okay, people, help me with names! It has only been 40+ years!

Glenn Pitts said...

Gary, I remember you from '67/'68, and you may also remember some of these names: Gene Lightfoot & Dede Maxwell, Al and Jan Hixon, Mary Francis Maddi, Rita Hayes, Linda & Sherry Wellens, Johnnie Foshee, Linda Giles, Becky Derrick & Louis Pace, and Paula & Sharon Kennedy.
Barbara Wade's sister is Debbie Wade.
Larry Kane always scheduled one of his show guests to play for the 'after the show' parties at the Catacombs during these years, and I remember that the Moving Sidewalks, Southwest F.O.B., and Lightnin’ Hopkins played for us on separate occasions.

Bruce said...

Thanks for the pic, Glenn. To All: Glenn has sent me a pic of him and Linda Giles on the show. I could start a Larry Kane gallery if I had some more pics. If you have one (or more) you want to share, please contact me (email on the About Me page). No pdfs however.

Anonymous said...

Just for the record Audio Video Plus has a VHS rental of some clips of the Larry Kane Show. They are just filmed clips of the bands playing on the show and do not include footage of Larry Kane or the dancers. You can see the Larry Kane Show logos on one of the camera though. Clips include Al Green, Smokey Robinson, Joe Tex, the Four Tops etc.. The name of the video is "Soul Experience" and it can be rented out at the store.

Anonymous said...

I am curious about the drowning incident at the KTRK studios. Can someone give me details about this story?

Unknown said...

Hi Paulla,

About a month ago a friend sent to me via Facebook some old video clips from The Larry Kane Show. Reading your memories of the show brought back a lot of the same wonderful memories I have from being on the show with you and your brother, Larry. I do remember both of you. My dance partner was Jimmy Lee.

I now live in a suburb of Philadelphia, PA, where American Bandstand began at the local ABC affiliate station's studio. Originally, it was just a local show before it was a national broadcast. A few years ago, I met a person who used to be on Bandstand. We shared our respective memories from Bandstand and The Larry Kane Show. Of course, she had never heard if the Houston program, but agreed we both shared a lot if similar experiences and the good fortune of being on those shows.

It is great hearing from you as well as taking a trip down memory lane.

Patsy Moye McPherson

Jake said...

Great days some of the best times of my youth. I played guitar for the Kings and gig at the .catacombs on several occasions. Some of the Larry Kane crew went on the road with us, Patti, Linda, Louis, Drew.

Glenn Pitts said...

Hi Jake,
I remember your band, The Kings, but only two names.... yours and Martin Lockhard.
Who were the other members?

Glenn Pitts said...

Hello Patsy Moye,
Nice to read your comments on the LKS and AB.
Did you know that Larry was a guest MC on American Bandstand and that several couples from the Larry Kane Show actually traveled to Philadelphia to appear on AB? This would have been prior to 1962, and I wasn’t one of them but Ginger Maddi was and you may remember her sister and my friend... Mary Francis who were both LKS regulars?

Jake said...

Jay, Blake and Mark. Have you see any of the old gang recently Patti,Linda,Dede?

Glenn Pitts said...

Well no, I haven't seen these three since they left the show, and I don't know where they are today either. However, some LKS regulars are on Facebook, and a few have commented on this blog.
Maybe others will too. Do you know what happened to Martin?

Paulla Parker said...

Is that Jake of Jack & Jake?
Paulla Parker Weddle

Jake said...

Paula I believe that was a different Jake. However I may have met you when did you dance on the show?

Unknown said...

Paula Kennedy is my mother and Jimmy Alexander is my father. I would love if someone could send me some pictures or video please.
My email is

Glenn Pitts said...

Alex, that's your mother and I dancing at 10:40 on this video.

Jake said...

How are your parents they were good friends

Joe Brattain said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe I stumbled across this blog. I danced on the Larry Kane Show during the mid to late 60s. My main partners were Ellette Hutchison, Karen Fowler, Barbara Bram, and a young lady whose name I can't remember, but whose face I can see in my mind as if it were yesterday. I'm thinking her name was Debbie. Took dance lessons from Phillip LaPoint at Dance City USA and was awarded both the bronze and silver dance trophies. I remember the shows from the Flagship Hotel in Galveston and the pool at KTRK. Reading this blog has stirred up a whole bunch of very fond memories. Dancing on the show and having all of the wonderful friends was a true highlight in my life. I live in Austin and would travel to Houston in a heartbeat to attend a show reunion. Does anyone know what every happened to Phil LaPoint or Don Stewart. It would be awesome to see them again, not to mention all my friends from the show.

Mike Bleike said...

Sometime around '67 and '68, our band, The Sound Investment, appeared twice on The Larry Kane Show. We had 2 number one singles (on Laurie Records/New York)- "Don't Stop the Carnival" (written by Scott and Vivian Holtzman/Houston Post "NowSounds" columnist), and "Come Back Baby" (written my Micky Newbury). Neal Ford of the Fanatics was our producer. Larry was so nice to us, I remember he took the time to find out a little about us before the shows aired. It was a thrill, as a teenager, to actually have a beautiful girl put make-up on us before the show! I also recall one of the band members wore a U.S. flag shirt - when they were not yet popular, in fact were considered by some as disgraceful. I remember Larry telling us after the show that their switchboard "lit up like a Christmas tree" with people calling in about that shirt. Those were exciting days for us young kids. A great book has just been released titled "The Boys of Houston" (available on Amazon and at the Boys of Houston website). It is authored by a local girl from Pasadena that we knew in high school (Sam Rayburn). She has put together a wonderful history of bands and the music scene in Houston at that time. It has over 400 pages of interviews and rare photographs. The Larry Kane Show is mentioned numerous times, since appearing on the show was the goal of every group in the area. I have enjoyed reading the comments about Larry's show. I am sure they bring back lots of memories to those of us who used to watch it every Saturday.

Bruce said...

Thanks, Mike. Appreciate the info on the new book.

Anonymous said...

Would love to hear from anyone of these wonderful years. I took dance from jerry roe, Mary Ann Larkin, Don Stewart ,Patricia swayed, Virgil lee emmons etc. And danced on Larry Kane I don't remember the exact years. I now live in Austin Vicki Gonsoulin

Anonymous said...

My sister Jean Lorraine Snyder danced on the show in 65-67. She died in a car accident at age 17. I would love to hear from anyone who might remember her!

Glenn Pitts said...

I remember Jean Snyder. She sometimes danced with my brother Johnnie.

Anonymous said...

I believe my mother was on the show. She passed in 1996, however always talked about dancing on a show in Houston and tried to get footage, but it was destroyed. I would love to see footage of her dancing as a teenager. Her name was JoAnn Mitchell.

Bruce said...

Did you check out the videos on the other post on this blog about the show?

Unknown said...

I am trying to locate Linda and Sherry Wellens. I lived behind them and lost contact with their family. If someone knows them, please give them.

Glenn Pitts said...

Linda married Kenneth Pugh and Sherry married Glenn Deshotel.

Margaret Arp Wier said...

I danced on the Larry Kane Show in approx. 1959 thru 1962. My name was Margaret Arp. I danced with a tall, blonde headed young man most of the time. I vaguely remember about the drowning. I loved meeting the singers like Brenda Lee, The Everett Brothers and so many more talented people. I remember when Dick Clark came to the Larry Kane Show and I interviewed him for my school paper. I remember Dick was in awe about the school mums that were worn and wanted to know why they were worn and why were they so big (we would wear 3-5 real mums in a grouping. I remember some of our group that got to go to American Bandstand. I was not able to afford to go. I was heartbroken. The years on the show were and are a fantastic memory.

My nephew, Glen Hunsucker, was also on the show. I believe it was around 1966-1970. He has always loved dancing and has and still teaches ballroom dancing. He is fabulous.

A funny story on my sister-in-law. She went to a garage sale in Greenwood Forest in Houston northwest side many years ago. She bought some of Larry Kanes' jewelry and a couple of suits which had his name in the pockets from the cleaners. She spoke with him and he apparently lived there or was with relatives. I tried to buy a piece of his jewelry since I was the one that was on his show but she refused because she loved him and his show. She still has whatever she bought from him to this day.

Margaret Arp Wier -

Ron P said...

I was on the Larry Kane Show during the early 60's (approx 1961-1963). I started taking lessons from Jerry Roe at a little hall in Oak Forest every Wed. Eventually some of us tried out for the show and became regulars. I remember getting up early Sat. and going to Jerry Roe's main studio downtown (I believe on Dallas) and taking lessons and then going to a movie downtown and then to KTRK studio on Bissonnet for the show. I believe one of my partner's names was Maxine (Jones, I think) who also had an older sister,and another that I can't remember. Some names that I remember went to Waltrip were: Delman and Sandy, Debbie, Rodney(from St. Thomas) & Brenda, Fred and Harriet (?), Cindy, all of whom started lessons in Oak Forest and became regulars. We were all in our early teens. There were many recording stars that were on live and some were taped earlier. For some reason the only 2 that I remember vividly were Jerry Lee Lewis and Tex Ritter (main reason for Tex was I remembered he sang song for one of my favorite westerns and I went up and told him and he rubbed the top of my head). Great memories from the early teen years.

Glenn Pitts said...

Ron P,
Maybe Fred Williams and Harriet Thomas.
I danced with Harriet briefly in 1962. She went with John Aguirre at the time but John danced with Anna Staton so I danced with Harriet.

Unknown said...

Why does no one mention Ginger Matti and PAT Ochoa as being on the Larry Kane show? In 1958 I attended Jackson Jr High with Ginger and she talked me into going to Jerry Roe and being used by the young ladies as a partner. Then I went on Larry Kane from 1958 until 1961 when I went into the Marines. I AM STILL IN HOUSTON AND STILL DANCING.

Glenn Pitts said...

There were hundreds (yes hundreds) of teens on the LKS during the 14 year run.
Some were there only once and others for several years.
Ginger Maddi married singer/producer Gary Smith.
Her younger sister Mary Francis was also a regular but much later than ’61.

Ron P said...

Glenn Pitts,

Yes, it was Harriet Thomas and I believe her first partner on the show was Fred (Ruple, I think). At any rate, I danced with Harriet some and believe she went to Aldine H.S. I had a little crush on her back then. I seem to remember that you came on Larry Kane towards the end of my days there. At any rate, I still meet friends regularly who dance at one of the C&W clubs in Houston. The LKS gave me a love for dancing and although I like C&W, my favorite is Whip and West Coast Swing, which is similar to some of the dancing we did on
the LKS.

Unknown said...

Did anyone here know my cousin Tony Tamburrano? He was a camera man and director of the show. I am trying to find out which years he was on the show.


Allan Shivers said; I danced on L/K for five years[62-67]! I knew Glenn Pitts,He was there forever! I also remember doing the "Big Apple" special in the BALLROOM of the Hotel Galvez ! I.E. and a Stewart Beach TV L/K shot! For me; there's great memories of my partner, Susan Dainey and her brother John! Jerry Roe; our Instructor, was very able to show all dancers, the style of each dance ,and how to give outward expression to all the dance steps ! I do remember the" Hully Gulley/Stroll" its a line dance, that's alive as a myriad of names ! I remember Major Lance live in studio; then i saw him at Van's Ballroom ! I met someone [Houston], who knows Glenn Pitts; from his job with City of Pasadena,Tx ! I have great memories of L/K show ! What lives for me is the wonderful time of music, dancing ,great dance halls and place's for teens to dance, all over town ! I remember; Judy Thomas [sister to] B.J. Thomas/ Triump's dancing with me to "I GOT A FEELING " at Teen Hall, on grand boulevard !

txmuse said...

My book series, Boys From Houston, has covered the music scene in the area during the 60s including The Larry Kane Show. I am presently working on the 5th book in the series, titled Garner State Park which will include some Larry Kane photos.

Kelli said...

I would love to know if anyone has a pair of the go go boots with The Larry Kane Show written on the side! I am Larry Kane’s daughter and we don’t have any memorabilia from Dads show. Just curious what’s still out there.❤️

Anonymous said...

I would think you would have a ton of memorabilia from the Larry Kane show, but good luck on your search. I guess you have that unedited video of Larry Kane being interviewed on Good Morning Houston around 1980. Much of the video included unaired interview footage that never made it to broadcast. I am guessing they made this video copy just for Larry, but the footage got out to collectors. Larry seemed like a nice guy judging from the interview.

Kelli said...


Kelli Lieberman Gohlke (daughter)

Pat Lee Dinhoble said...

Patsy and Paulla, what a time we had dancing on the Larry Kane Show! At one point Larry and I were partners. My brother,Jimmy enjoyed dancing with you, Patsy. Remember our girls group doing a car dealership commercial while dancing on a second story ledge? Dancing ballroom, and being taught by fabulous instructors certainly gave us advantages. Meeting the bands and singers was a treat, for sure!
I am now living north of Houston on Lake Conroe in Bentwater.

Pat Lee Dinhoble said...

Hi Kelli, Jimmy Lee, my brother, and I, Pat Lee at the time, had the greatest respect for your dad and Jimmy stayed in touch with your mom for some years. Jimmy has thought your dad had the rights to all the footage and archived them. Do you know if that could be so?


Hi, does anyone remember the Canned Heat performance, August 31, 1968?

Glenn Pitts said...

I've got a photo of bandmember Bob Hite with Larry Kane. Later published in a local newspaper. No audio or video media.


I have the photo -Bob Hite on the left and Larry Kane with a microphone on the right.


is it the same?,%201971.jpg

Glenn Pitts said...

Yes, same photo.